Asia Pasific International
Law Office

Our mission is help our clients through difficult times, and we are
committed to solving their problems as quickly and efficiently as possible.
We believe in serving all people equally – because every person deserves quality legal representation. Our employees have years of combined experience in the Indonesian judicial system, which means that you can be sure that your issue will be handled by someone who knows exactly how things work here.

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The aim of legal advice is giving a formal opinion regarding the substance of procedure regarding the regulations about legal issues. Our lawyers will giving you an advice according client's requirements.
Investors are invested their capitals and they need to establish a company in Indonesia. We can assist you in making foreign direct investment company. 80% of out clients are FDI Company, furthermore we also assist company establishment for local companies. In forming you company, Asia Pasific International Law Office will help you in :
  • - Company Name Registration
  • - Draw up The Deed of Establishment
Legal retainer service can be an exceptional legal solution to most enterprise in indonesia who are not able to retain a legal specialist team at high cost. Under this legal services arrangement, ASPAC will act as clients separate legal department and be held responsible for whichever legal issues clients frequently struggle with, namely: Review and advise on all contracts, agreements, other contractual documents related to client's business operation in Indonesia Delegate experienced lawyer(s) to assisted clients. Prepare and answer or provide legal advice/memos to specified matters/inquiries made by the client to ensure appropriate operation and compliance with prevailing laws advise and clarify ambiguities and/or discrepancies found among various laws and regulations and/or their application to the client's business.
Company Regulations are written rules by the Company which contain the terms of employment and corporate rules. We will draw up your regulations and guide clients to make an important substance of company regulations.
Working agreement is a mandatory requirement for employer to hire employees. We can assist you to give advice about the essentials of working agreement and draw the agreement.
As we know, in the term of business growth in Indonesia, the aim to transferring knowledge to local workers and effort to solve labour problems in Indonesia, many foreign workers are working in Indonesia. We provide to assist you making Utilization Plan for Foreign Workers, IMTA (Issuance of Expatriate Employment Permit) and KITAS (Limited Stay Permit).
We provide a full range of integrated services that help ensure the success of both domestic and cross-border Merger & Acquisition deals. We provide advice on transaction structure, preparation of purchase-and-sale and related agreements, management and succession, legal due diligence reporting, formation of new entities, preparation of the necessary internal corporate documents and approvals, and completion of regulatory filings. No matter how big or small, M&A transactions are generally highly time sensitive, calling for flexible and fast support. As a full-service firm, we can leverage our unmatched experience across the entire range of practice areas to provide the level of responsiveness and rapid turnaround times that you need.

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